More detailed information on the tools can be found at MTM KU Leuven Equipment.
Internal name | ​Complete name | Model | Manufacturer | More Info |
SF Tensiometer​ | Force Tensiometer​ | K100SF ​ | KRÜSS | |
Tensiometer | ​Dynamic Contact Angle measuring device and Tensiometer | ​DCAT 25 | DataPhysics Instruments GmbH | |
DASA​ | Optical contact angle measuring system​ | OCA50 | DataPhysics Instruments GmbH | |
CORIO | Refrigerated / heating circulator | CORIO CD-200F | JULABO GmbH | wetting/Icing |
IAT​ | Ice Adhesion Test Machine | IAT-40 | Jikan Group | |
SPM | High-accuracy syringe pump | SPM-10 | Jikan Group | Icing |
RMC | Pressure-variable thermoelectric chiller | RMC-20 | Jikan Group | Icing |
SAHA​ | Scratch, Adhesion, Hardness, Abrasion Tester | LINEARTESTER 249​ | ERICHSEN GmbH & Co. KG | |
TODWA​ | Thermo-Optical Dynamic Wetting Apparatus​ | Internal design in collaboration with Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC | ||
High temp. rheometer​ | ​ High temp. rheometer​ | ​ | Anton Paar GmbH | Rheology (Metals) |
SurPASS​ | ​Solid surface zeta potential analyzer | ​SurPASS 3 | Anton Paar GmbH | Surface charges |
Litesizer | Particle analyzer | Litesizer 500 | Anton Paar GmbH | Particle size, zeta potential |
IGC​ | Inverse Gas Chromatography​ | ​ | Adscientis | |
​ PlasmaSpot | ​Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet | PLASMASPOT® MINI​ | Molecular Plasma Group (MPG) | |
SNeox | 3D Optical profilometer​- Confocal microscope​ | ​S Neox | Sensofar | |
EPD​ | Electrophoretic deposition | Internal design | Surface treatment |
In addition to these core devices, COMPLEXURF benefits from apparatus available either in the Department of Materials Engineering, Core facilities, or KU Leuven:
Internal name | ​Complete name | Model | Manufacturer | Application |
ESEM​ | Environmental scanning electron microscope | XL30 ESEM FEG | FEI/Philips | |
fs laser | 5-axis Femtosecond Laser Micromachining System | Orion 5003 | Orion Laser Tech | Surface treatment |
XCT​ | ​X-ray Computed Tomography | ​ TeScan Unitom HR TeScan Unitom XL | TESCAN, GE and Bruker | Internal microstructure |
Ramé & Hart cell​ | ​Environmental Chamber and Controller Kit & Elevated Temperature Syringes | ​Model 190 (Chamber 100-07-KIT High T. Syringe 100-10) | Ramé-Hart instrument co. | Wetting |