Mingyue Ding

Research title: Solidification of a supercooled water drop after an impact onto anti-icing substrates

Main promotor: prof. Ilia Roisman
Role: Visiting PhD Researcher from TU Darmstadt (Germany) 
Finishing Year: 202

Domenico Fiorini

Research title: Gas Liquid Interface Dynamics: Experimental analysis and modeling

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Co-promotor: Dr. Johan Steelant- prof. Miguel Alfonso Mendez (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI))
Role: PhD researcher
Finishing Year: 202

Hanqi Zhang

Research title: Nanoscale modelling of thermoset curing/ Nanoscale modelling of the spreading of PEEK

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Role: PhD Visiting Scholar from Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Finishing Year: 202

Vijay Reddy

Research title: Atomistic modeling of the wetting behavior of liquid metals using molecular dynamics simulation

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Role: Post-doctoral researcher
Finishing Year: 202

Ensieh Yousefi

Thesis title: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of  Reactive Wetting of Liquid Aluminum on Solid Nickel Substrate 

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Co-promotors: prof. Nele Moelans- Dr. Muxing Guo
Role: PhD Researcher
Finishing Year: 2022

Yingyi Liu

Thesis title: Mesoscopic Wetting Model and Tribological Properties of PTFE/Kevlar Fabric Self-Lubricating Composites

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Role: PhD Visiting Scholar
Finishing Year: 2018

Yichuan Zhang

Thesis title: Wetting dynamics of liquid polymers  

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Co-promotors: prof. Joël De Coninck
Role: PhD Researcher
Finishing Year: 2019

Si Qiu

Thesis title: Research on dynamic wettability of carbon fibers and its surface sucrose carbonizing modification

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Role: PhD Visiting Scholar
Finishing Year: 2018

Nuo Xu

Thesis title: Construction of Nano-Reinforcement on Carbon Fiber and Study of Interfacial Properties of Carbon Fiber/Polymer Composite

Main promotor: prof. David Seveno
Co-promotors: prof. Dongxing Zhang
Role: PhD Visiting Scholar
Finishing Year: 2019